Le Goûter cross stitch, kristik bersumber dari painting by William Adolphe Bouguereau. Gambar untuk desain ini dan informasi tentang pelukis ini dan karya-karyanya dapat dilihat di http://www.artrenewal.org/articles/On-Line_Books/Bouguereau_William/bio1.php
Aida 14, White
450w X 750h Stitches [81 x 136cm]
70 colors, 32-1/8w X 53-1/2h in
file pdf Rp 250.000,- pola tercetak Rp 320.000,-
code 100158
For PDF pattern only. The file will send directly to your email. Including the instruction sheet detailing color of fabric, sizes, a complete color listing (number of skeins to purchase) |
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